My life has simply gotten better since I’ve donned an Attitude of Gratitude I wake each morning and go to bed each night listing many of the people, places and things I am Grateful for. Usually I don’t even get out of bed in the morning until I muse about all I have to be grateful for. Much of my gratitude listings are about people. I am blessed with so many diverse individuals in my life, most still on this earth walk with me, but many who have crossed over and I use this time to thank them for being in my life (on whatever dimension) and envelop them in love and gratitude. It’s such a lovely way to start and end the day and I Am Grateful 😊 What does Attitude of Gratitude mean to you? Comment below or send me an email. I Am grateful for your input! Love and Trust Yourself. Musings of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace
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TECHNOLOGY & ATTITUDE Recently I spent a great deal of time switching from one email home to another in order to complete my work. So what does this have to do with Let’s Be Peace? Good question. I noticed that what might have really thrown me and made my mood less than peaceful not so long ago, that morning I was able to power through and deal with the challenges brought forth while remaining pretty peaceful and calm. Well, the issue is still there but I am not consumed by it and know it will be resolved in time. Four days have passed since I wrote this and with a great deal of effort and an Earth Angel named Navid at the email hosting company we work with, all is back in order. I have once more learned that the attitude has so much to do with how we handle things and how we feel. Being Peace assists in everything we do. I Am Grateful for the knowledge. How about you? Love and Trust Yourself. Musings from the Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #17 –LIFE IS GOOD
Life is Good Do you believe that? Do you wake up in the morning grateful for waking up and being grateful, however you are feeling. Are you grateful? I do my best to be grateful and the truth is for the past few years I am reminded that I have so much to be grateful for each and every day, including the miracle of sleeping well and waking up feeling good. Not wasting time to discover why it has taken me so long but grateful that I have learned gratitude and it has become one of the core beliefs of the Let’s Be Peace Movement. Feel free to contact us anytime you need some encouragement. Part of our mission is being here for You. I Am grateful for You! Peace Whisperer Musings Love and Trust Yourself. #LetsBePeace |