PEACE and GRIEF How does one equate Peace and Grief? This morning (7/23/24) one of the sweetest souls on this planet moved out of body to the other side. She was/is my step daughter by marriage and friend by deep connection. At 58 years of age Wendy Copeland Schwartz made her transition with most of her family around her. Her two sisters, Deeana and Wendy, husband Jon, mother Anne and her nieces and Jon’s children were there by her side. The eldest, Deeana, kept me informed by text and they all knew I was there in spirit. I’ve sensed Wendy transitioning since Sunday and know that she was. and is, at peace. Peace, there’s that word that I use so often. Let me explain how I equate peace and grief. I’ve believed for many decades now that when we leave the body our Soul moves on. Where the Soul moves on to is a subject of debate but in my consciousness, it is to another level, another plane. I have had many experiences of communicating with loved ones sometimes directly and mostly through friends and colleagues who are mediums. When my mother crossed over many years ago I was in meditation when I saw her leave her body. What I saw was her snapping her fingers and saying “Karen was right”, referring to the many times I spoke to her about something ‘more’ and her always saying, she’d like to believe that but didn’t quite.. not until then. It’s experiences like that (although that was the most visual and dramatic so far) I became aware that we have the ability to keep in touch if wanted or needed. This knowledge has also helped me let go. I may grieve for a short time but that grief is for the loss of that person in the physical and our earthly contact. Deep in my Soul, I know my mother and father, Wendy, my friend Chris Salvador who transitioned suddenly a few weeks ago, the several friends that I ‘lost’ over the past few years are doing well and moving on in the direction that is best for them. I even learned recently that a childhood friend has been helping me with my next book. I hadn’t thought of her in decades and suddenly she came to mind. When I asked a medium friend of mine to contact her, she came through saying yes, she’s been around, assisting me and helping the Angels, help me with the upcoming Let’s Be Peace book. I can’t make this stuff up! Back to Peace and Grief. I Am at Peace. I know each of us on this side grieve in our own ways and that is as it should be. If I can give some advice to someone who has ‘lost’ a loved one, it’s similar to the tools and techniques I suggest for being Peace inside. Go in, breathe deeply and get in touch with who you really are. That person knows their loved one is only a thought away and is in a place of their greatest and highest good. Thank You Wendy for helping me bring forward the subject of grief and Peace and for being such a bright light in my and so many other’s lives. Please comment or contact me with your thoughts about this and other topics. Love and Trust Yourself. Musings of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace
It is with a heavy heart that I share that I received the devastating news that my dear friend and colleague Chris Salvador was in a car accident last Tuesday (7/3/234) and died instantly. All of you who knew him, know what a great loss this is to his family, friends, and colleagues. Chris lived his life well, touched hundreds with his talent and warm heart, and made the lives of all of us who knew him well, simply better. I am grateful that I got to see him in April month when he was in LA for a day of editing, and we had some time to lunch before his session. Grateful for knowing him. In the hours subsequent to my posting dozens of friends and colleagues have communicated with me and with each other, saddened by the news and celebrating the memory of someone who touched each of us deeply. I am reminded that when a person crosses over grief is about missing that Soul in their presence on the Earth plane. My belief is we don’t die, we leave our Earth body, and our Soul moves on I know, and have experienced with others, that I will feel Chris’s presence forever. Am I grieving, yes. He had such a positive impact on my life. We worked as colleagues often over the 43 years we knew each other and he was thoughtful, generous, and loyal throughout. The peace that I am experiencing today is in no small measure due to the lovely posts and FaceTime calls I received from friends and family. Grateful to each of you. Love and Trust yourself Musings of a Peaceful Soul Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #27
LET’S BE PEACE The Let’s Be Peace Movement is commencing as more and more individuals are aware of their personal role in creating Peace. As readers of this blog you know that we believe that Peace will be achieved one person at a time. The book Let’s Be Peace: 20 Unique Paths to Healing Yourself and Spreading Peace in the World” is well on its way to completion and will be published this fall, 2024. The accompanying podcast is in preparation also. Both offer tools and techniques for each of us to heal ourselves, achieve Peace inside, and create Peace for the World. When we mention Let’s Be Peace there is a collective sigh. Each individual responded.. ‘yes, we need that.’ What the movement is aiming to do is help that sigh gain momentum with each of us creating Peace inside, increasing our good health and thus creating Peace in the world. Do your part today. Even for five minutes, go inside, and breathe deeply (in to the count of 4, hold for the count of 4, out for the count of 4, hold to the count of 4, several times). Be conscious of Being Peace and begin to heal yourself inside while creating Peace on the outside for yourself and all. Be Peace. It's an Inside Job! Love and Trust Yourself. Musings of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace |