While speaking with my dear friend and coach, the Angel Lady, Sue Storm, we discussed my purpose, which I’ve known for a while now is spreading Peace. Sue and I searched for a term to describe that concept to reach the maximum audience and we (likely with the help of angels) came up with PEACE WHISPERER.
The reality is I am a gentle conveyor of the Let’s Be Peace movement. I plan on being a spokesperson and leader and my goal is for each individual to BE Peace inside thusly, creating Peace in the world. You already know that I believe Peace begins when we create Peace inside - one person at time. We learn to generate Peace in ourselves and as we radiate Peace it will spread to others. Peace is truly an inside job! Here are some of the tips I’ve assembled to assist in creating Peace inside: *Go Inside and do what feels right for you. *Breathe deeply - here are two techniques: Breathe in 4, hold 4, breath out 4) Breathe in 4, hold 7 and breathe out to the count of 8) *Forgive yourself and others *Discover the different modalities that can aid you in improving your health and wellness. When you are healthy, you can be more peaceful, when you are peaceful you are more healthy. *Acknowledge that it’s not them and us.. We are all One and we can find the answers inside of ourselves. *Do your best to avoid internalizing the outside forces. *Avoid feeling like a victim. Our bodies are remarkable ‘machines’ that have the power to heal. They give us warnings in the form of pain or discomfort so we can look for and find what we need. Assemble team mates to help you decide what your body needs, and be the one to make the decision. Take the responsibility by listening to your body, your intuition, your angels and guides. Love and Trust Yourself The Peace Whisperer Comments welcome! #LetsBePeace
PEACE, PEACE, PEACE what is Peace? Is it serenity? Is It Calm? Is It inside? Is it Outside? Is it best served warm or cold? Pondering the meaning of Peace. Webster dictionary via google says: peace. noun. : a state of tranquility or quiet: as. a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom Let’s spend some time exploring that definition this week. I suspect many of us think of peace as being a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom and in fact, that is one of the global barometers. However, how can we experience peace when there is a form of war outside of ourselves? When the outside forces are demonstrating in the form of weapons against each other physically or verbally, how can we achieve peace? If you have read blogs 1-8 you likely know that I believe that when we create peace inside we will eventually create the peace we crave on the outside and our peace inside will radiate to others as well. I truly believe it’s an inside job. Feel free to comment and send your tips for being peace! Love and Trust Yourself. #LetsBePeace I recently participated in a 7 Day Blessing Worldwide Online Retreat which consisted of Live Chanting and Meditations. There was no charge but they did suggest a $10 donation for the Tibetan Monks and Monastery.
I was made aware of the 7 day event through Spring Forest Qigong. I receive their newsletters and on occasion participate in their Qigong classes. Their work is wonderful and this event was particularly life affirming. One of the remarkable things about the retreat is they said that people from 146 countries participated. And it increased to 148 by Day 7. Consider that the 2024 count of countries in the world is 195. That is awesome to me and speaks to the great numbers of people from divergent backgrounds that are taking time to quiet themselves and spread Peace. There were personal healings too, however, the basis of the meditations were global healing and that is exactly how I believe we will find Peace. One person at a time. Healing themselves and spreading that Peace to their fellow Beings. A fun note during the meditations we are encouraged to SMILE and the leader, Master Chunyi Lin says that SMILE stands for START MY INTERNAL LOVE ENERGY. I Love that! In case you want to check out the Spring forest Qigong site here it is https://www.springforestqigong.com/ Remember to Love and Trust Yourself. Comments Welcome! #LetsBePeace My friend Amirah Hall recently sent a link to a documentary that I will share here as they requested. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocD8fU3GoGk The focus of the documentary is that we are ONE and it goes into the science of that. I found it fascinating to see science and spirituality coincide in this way. It also offers a perspective on why Jews have been called the “Chosen” people. Over the years I have wondered about that and frankly wondered if that phrase has added to the antisemitism which seems to rear it’s head in every generation. The movie “Can Spirit Be Measured…THE 1 FIELD” introduced by Gregg Barden offers that the word Chosen refers to being Chosen to bring Peace to the planet. Needless to say, this resonates with me, having discovered that this is certainly part of My purpose this lifetime. I encourage you to consider watching the documentary. It is on you-tube (link above) and It’s over 2 hours long with quite a few commercials, however, I am guessing you will find nuggets of information that you resonate with as I did. Wishing each of you a peaceful, joy filled and prosperous 2024 and Beyond! Please comment freely about this or any blog and let me know your thoughts about the movie 1 Field too. Love and Trust Yourself. #LetsBePeace
Wishing You a Safe, Healthy, Happy and Prosperous New Year! The past few weeks several of the podcasts that I was interviewed on dropped and I’ve posted the links in my social media and in a couple of cases texted or emailed to friends and relatives. I’ll post the most recent links at the end of this blog. At the time of this writing there are several wars raging on this planet and political strife exists fairly universally. So it is understandable that some of the comments I have received have disagreed with my, what one of my friends called 'prediction', that we are on the road to and will have peace. I am not sure which podcast I was guided to ‘predict’ that there will be peace on the planet in my lifetime, but that IS what I was guided to say. I jokingly said to a friend regarding this that I plan on living to at least 120 so that gives us lots of time, but I do believe more than ever that we will experience peace on this planet. I believe that this is what we are here for and spreading peace is much of what my purpose is about this lifetime on Earth. Here are the podcast links. Feel free to comment and share. Remember to Love and Trust Yourself #LetsBePeace 12/22/23 Sharon Sherayko – Train Your Brain Claim Your Power https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/susan-sherayko/episodes/Its-About-Time-You-Meet-Karen-Lee-Cohen-e2dj2n2/a-aap63o0 Imagine Peace – MarBeth and Teri Angel https://youtu.be/xcwg93-pCK0 Brenda McGrgor – If Only 11/28/23 https://brendamcgregor.com/podcast 11/27/23 – Infuse Your Future https://www.coachingwithdrc.com/podcast/episode/2c17f481/29-lets-be-peace-with-karen-lee-cohen |