Saturday the 9th of December I was honored to accept a certificate of appreciation from the LA Public Library stating that “This recognition hereby commemorates the inclusion of the above author’s literary contribution to the Los Angeles Public Library’s catalog. This is for my first book, a prescriptive memoir titled ‘IT’S ABOUT TIME: My Award-Winning TV Adventure”. It was a lovely event at my local library and it gave me great joy to be a speaker among fellow authors. There were about 11 of us receiving certificates and the main speaker was the charming prolific author and teacher, Jill Schary Robinson (Dore Schary’s daughter) .
I was particularly pleased because the library system is something my mother was very dedicated to and she took my sister Marlene and I to the local libraries in Chicago when we were very young. She instilled in us a great love for reading and I am forever grateful to her. The reason I am reflecting on this in this, the 5th edition of the Let’s Be Peace blog is that reading has often been a gift that aids me in being peace. Either as an ‘escape’ into the author’s worlds or as information about heath, wellness, philosophy and spiritual modalities and practices. I find that reading can be one of the many pathways to creating peace inside. I have evolved to the point in my life that I simply don’t allow discord into my home. Whether it be meditations, tv, radio, podcasts, novels or non-fiction books, there has to be some uplifting aspect for me to engage. I understand that is not necessarily possible for everyone all the time, but I am offering it as a goal in your journey to find peace inside. If you assume that I do not watch or read daily news, that is correct. I stopped participating in that more than a dozen years ago and many of my friends and colleagues find that more than odd. But the reality is I end up knowing everything that I need to know to partake in conversations and be aware of what is going on in the world. I have advised people to refrain from watching the news before going to bed and especially to not allow their children to watch news at night. There is now scientific knowledge on the ill effects of watching TV or listening to news before going to sleep, but I started making that recommendation several decades ago and it serves me well. Simply another offering to you about how to potentially find peace inside. Please share your thoughts on this and other aspects of being peace that you embrace. Remember to Love and Trust Yourself. #LetsBePeace
The dictionary defines war as: '…a conflict carried on by force of arms, as between nations or states, or between parties within a state” and sadly there are at least two such major conflicts going on at this time. That is NOT the type of war we are addressing here but I want to acknowledge the human impact on each of us when there is an armed conflict anywhere on the globe. It is particularly difficult for most of us to find the Peace inside when the outside ‘world’ is experiencing armed and other types of war on the outside. This is particularly potent when hatred seems to be pervasive in our own community, almost in our back yard. But I believe that this is exactly the time we need to seek and Be Peace inside. You see, I sincerely believe that when each of us individually is peace, peace will multiply throughout the world. Most of us feel helpless in changing the outside world and many of us take pro-active steps to help secure peaceful resolutions. Consider how creating peace inside will permeate the outside. You don’t’ have to do anything pro-active within the outside world. Simply still ourselves and find peace inside. Here are some of the techniques we discussed in Blog #2. Learn to Love and Trust Yourself Meditate in whatever form suits you It can be as little as 5 minutes a day or as much as hours but learn to quiet yourself and listen to your inner being Breathing techniques The two that I use most often are Breathe in to count of 4 Hold for 4 Breathe out for count of 4 Hold for 4 Another breathing technique: Breathe in to the count of 4 Hold to the count of 7 Breathe out to the count of 8 Surrender and Allow, Surrender & Trust Journal – write about what you are feeling, doing or how you are Being. Anything that comes to you. Can be short or long or in-between. It’s a release and will help you focus on what you are experiencing inside. Assemble team mates to help you decide what your body needs and You be the one to make the decisions. Take the responsibility by listening to your body, your intuition, your Angels and Guides. Acknowledge that I’s not them and us. We are all One and we can find the answers inside of ourselves. It would be great if you’d like to contribute your thoughts on Being Peace and any techniques you’d like to share with our readers. Meanwhile, have a peaceful week. Love and Trust Yourself #LetsBePeace The book LET’S BE PEACE is in the final stages of contributions and first edit. It has been a blessing to have so many experts step up and agree to or ask to be a part of it. 18 Contributors have already done their interview or submitted a chapter and there are a couple more in the pipeline. I do not know yet how many will fit into the first book. It is possible all will and if not, volume 2 will be created sooner rather than later! I have learned so much in the process of writing, researching and assembling this book. A collaborative book is quite different from the prescriptive memoir I wrote (IT’S ABOUT TIME; My Award-Winning TV Adventure). The writing was all in my hands then and the time table was my own. This is different in many ways. My intention is to write an introduction to each contribution plus the introduction to the book and two chapters about my journey. Those are almost complete. I am doing the first edit of each chapter, however I will likely engage a professional editor at some point to help fine tune the overall manuscript. This is a bit of a costly venture but I am sure will be well worth the time and financing. I have been told by two traditional publishers so far that a traditional publisher will not deal with an anthology which is what they are calling this. I do not think it is that at all but because there are contributors they have deemed it so. All that means is I’ll probably go with a hybrid publisher. Many publishers offer an option now that is a combination of self publishing and traditional support, however the author pays a fee upfront. This is substantial depending on who you engage. Wow.. I hadn’t planned on explaining all that but now that I have, I hope it is interesting and helpful to you. Here are some of the questions that each contributor was asked to respond to in their chapter or interview. The answers have been as diverse as the individuals and I am especially enjoying the variety of ‘takes’ on the Peace questions. 1. What does LET’S BE PEACE MEAN TO YOU? 2. How do you or would you advise people how to Be Peace? 3. What is your approach to the subject of Wellness? 4. Would you consider yourself a functional or holistic medical practitioner or alternative medicine expert? 5. If applicable to you, What is the wellness modality that is your expertise. That you create, inspire, promote? Please describe. 6. Who and What inspires You regarding health, wellness and spirituality? 7. What does “you are your own best doctor” mean to you and how does it integrate with your practice 8. Please describe 3-5 steps for readers to follow to achieve their wellness goals and their path to Being Peace. 9 Please provide a check list of what people should look for in finding a practitioner in your modality in their area. 10. What other messages do you have for our readers? I am sharing these with you to give you a teaser of the contents of the LET’S BE PEACE book and the types of guests the podcast will have. Always remember to Love and Trust Yourself and of course LET’S BE PEACE! |