Here are some simple tips to assist you in creating peace in your life. As you know from the Let’s Be Peace blogs on this website, we believe that when we are peace inside, we will create peace in the world. One person at a time... You and Me.. from the inside out. These are simply starter suggestions. Use what resonates with you and discard what does not. The best is for you to also create your own, methods that work for you personally, and share YOUR techniques with your community, friends, colleagues, and family. A friend recently started counting using Let’s Be Peace (instead of one Mississippi, Two Mississippi, etc.) She says One, Let’s Be Peace, Two Let’s Be Peace, Three Let’s Be Peace and so on. She finds it perfectly sets the pace for her slow as well as her power walks and reminds her that being peace is an inside job. I now use it when doing my yoga steps. I love the process. Do share it. It’s a wonderful addition to the Let’s Be Peace movement which you are now a part of by reading this and embracing your peace within. Go Inside, breathe deeply, still yourself and create your path to peace and calm. When seeking answers for yourself breathe deeply and ask yourself the questions. Feel into your ‘gut’ and if you feel good proceed with that answer. If you are unsure wait and ask again and if it simply feels off-balance you have that answer too, move on. Breathing Techniques: Breathe deeply (4, 4, 4 4 or 4, 7, 8) Breathe in 4, hold 4, breath out 4 hold for 4) Or Breathe in 4, hold 7, breath out 8) Forgive yourself and others- Forgiveness is a key to moving on. When you forgive yourself and others you can let go and find some of the peace you are seeking. Begin a practice of Gratitude - try a gratitude journal Or daily practice of saying what you are grateful for I do my gratitudes before I get out of bed each morning And again at night before falling asleep. Discover the different modalities that can aid you in improving your health and wellness. (Many described in the new book Let’s Be Peace: 20 Unique Paths to Healing Yourself and Spreading Pace in the World) Acknowledge that when you are healthy, you can be more peaceful, when you are peaceful physical and mental health are improved so slow down and find your peace within using these and other techniques. Recognize that it’s not them and us. We are all One and we can find the answers inside of ourselves. Do your best to avoid internalizing the outside forces. Avoid feeling like a victim. No matter what your circumstances are, trust that you have the inner strength to move forward and create the life you are born to live. Assemble teammates to help you decide what your body needs, and You be the one to make the decision. Take responsibility by listening to your body, your intuition, your angels and guides. Our bodies are remarkable ‘machines’ that have the power to heal. They give us warnings in the form of pain so we can find what we need. Love and Trust Yourself Musings from a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace
I never know exactly where these blogs originate from. Angel Rita is for writers and I always call to her to be by my side and assist. PREPARE FOR PEACE Can we? Should we? How do we Prepare of Peace? My sense is we do not prepare because we are born with Peace within us. It’s in our genes, part of our DNA. We are born with a knowledge of and quest for Peace. We know Peace in our Soul and we need only to activate Peace within us to Be Peace and Spread Peace. It may seem too ‘out there’ to you now but when you still yourself and get in touch with who you are you will know Peace.. You will exude Peace. You will know that You are Peace. No preparation, no outside influence. It is simply getting back in touch with who you are and the good you are meant to spread in your own way and your own time. You are already prepared for Peace. Simply own in and live it and you will be an ambassador for Peace. Love and Trust Yourself. Musings of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #31 –
TIME OF BALANCE BETWEEN THE MALE AND FEMALE POLARITIES We are moving into a time of balance between the Male and Female polarities on Earth and humanity and nothing signifies it more graphically than the 2024 Olympics. I don’t have the exact numbers but my sense is it’s the first time we have seen such delightful balance. Of the 126 medals won by the US, 67 were won by female athletes and of the 40 gold medals, more than half went to female athletes. That feels balanced to me and a good sign of things to come! Not separate but equal.. that’s the goal here in all events of life. Balance and equality are moving forward at this time and the 2024 Olympics were a glorious sign of that. Also the loving nature of the medalists and the events. Unity was spoken of often by all participants and occurrences as visual as Simone Biles and Jordan Chiles, bowing to the Brazilian Gold Medal winner Rebeca Andrade. It speaks to me that we are entering a kinder gentling time and it has no race, no religion, no color, no division. The time for true equality is now. Love and Trust Yourself. Musings from a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #30 – LET’S BE PEACE ONE STEP AT A TIME
Being Peace is now a lifelong goal of mine. Did I always have it? Looking back, I certainly did at different points in my life but didn’t really acknowledge it until the past decade or so. I began to embrace it totally in 2020 when I wrote my prescriptive memoir and realized Being Peace is part of my mission, my purpose. I’m sharing this with YOU because I realize I took one step at a time and if you want to, you can too. Some methods can be: *Daily or weekly journaling. *Waking up and stating what you are grateful for. I do my gratitudes before getting out of bed and again at night before falling asleep. It’s a reminder of the bounty in my life, even if it’s simply the people I spoke to that day and the compact apartment that is my castle, my sanctuary. *Stopping what you are doing for 5 minutes, breathe deeply and meditate. *Listening to a guided meditation – I often do that before getting out of bed *Going for a walk in nature There are many more ways, but the point is to be mindful of your desire to Be Peace. You know from reading these blogs that I believe that when each of us decide to Be Peace we will create Peace in the world. I know that sounds lofty, but we will get there one person at a time.. one step at a time. You and Me. Be Peace and see how Peace will radiate from You and Me out into the world. Love and Trust Yourself Musings from a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace PEACE and GRIEF How does one equate Peace and Grief? This morning (7/23/24) one of the sweetest souls on this planet moved out of body to the other side. She was/is my step daughter by marriage and friend by deep connection. At 58 years of age Wendy Copeland Schwartz made her transition with most of her family around her. Her two sisters, Deeana and Wendy, husband Jon, mother Anne and her nieces and Jon’s children were there by her side. The eldest, Deeana, kept me informed by text and they all knew I was there in spirit. I’ve sensed Wendy transitioning since Sunday and know that she was. and is, at peace. Peace, there’s that word that I use so often. Let me explain how I equate peace and grief. I’ve believed for many decades now that when we leave the body our Soul moves on. Where the Soul moves on to is a subject of debate but in my consciousness, it is to another level, another plane. I have had many experiences of communicating with loved ones sometimes directly and mostly through friends and colleagues who are mediums. When my mother crossed over many years ago I was in meditation when I saw her leave her body. What I saw was her snapping her fingers and saying “Karen was right”, referring to the many times I spoke to her about something ‘more’ and her always saying, she’d like to believe that but didn’t quite.. not until then. It’s experiences like that (although that was the most visual and dramatic so far) I became aware that we have the ability to keep in touch if wanted or needed. This knowledge has also helped me let go. I may grieve for a short time but that grief is for the loss of that person in the physical and our earthly contact. Deep in my Soul, I know my mother and father, Wendy, my friend Chris Salvador who transitioned suddenly a few weeks ago, the several friends that I ‘lost’ over the past few years are doing well and moving on in the direction that is best for them. I even learned recently that a childhood friend has been helping me with my next book. I hadn’t thought of her in decades and suddenly she came to mind. When I asked a medium friend of mine to contact her, she came through saying yes, she’s been around, assisting me and helping the Angels, help me with the upcoming Let’s Be Peace book. I can’t make this stuff up! Back to Peace and Grief. I Am at Peace. I know each of us on this side grieve in our own ways and that is as it should be. If I can give some advice to someone who has ‘lost’ a loved one, it’s similar to the tools and techniques I suggest for being Peace inside. Go in, breathe deeply and get in touch with who you really are. That person knows their loved one is only a thought away and is in a place of their greatest and highest good. Thank You Wendy for helping me bring forward the subject of grief and Peace and for being such a bright light in my and so many other’s lives. Please comment or contact me with your thoughts about this and other topics. Love and Trust Yourself. Musings of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #28 – TRIBUTE TO DEAR FRIEND AND COLLEAGUE
It is with a heavy heart that I share that I received the devastating news that my dear friend and colleague Chris Salvador was in a car accident last Tuesday (7/3/234) and died instantly. All of you who knew him, know what a great loss this is to his family, friends, and colleagues. Chris lived his life well, touched hundreds with his talent and warm heart, and made the lives of all of us who knew him well, simply better. I am grateful that I got to see him in April month when he was in LA for a day of editing, and we had some time to lunch before his session. Grateful for knowing him. In the hours subsequent to my posting dozens of friends and colleagues have communicated with me and with each other, saddened by the news and celebrating the memory of someone who touched each of us deeply. I am reminded that when a person crosses over grief is about missing that Soul in their presence on the Earth plane. My belief is we don’t die, we leave our Earth body, and our Soul moves on I know, and have experienced with others, that I will feel Chris’s presence forever. Am I grieving, yes. He had such a positive impact on my life. We worked as colleagues often over the 43 years we knew each other and he was thoughtful, generous, and loyal throughout. The peace that I am experiencing today is in no small measure due to the lovely posts and FaceTime calls I received from friends and family. Grateful to each of you. Love and Trust yourself Musings of a Peaceful Soul Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #27
LET’S BE PEACE The Let’s Be Peace Movement is commencing as more and more individuals are aware of their personal role in creating Peace. As readers of this blog you know that we believe that Peace will be achieved one person at a time. The book Let’s Be Peace: 20 Unique Paths to Healing Yourself and Spreading Peace in the World” is well on its way to completion and will be published this fall, 2024. The accompanying podcast is in preparation also. Both offer tools and techniques for each of us to heal ourselves, achieve Peace inside, and create Peace for the World. When we mention Let’s Be Peace there is a collective sigh. Each individual responded.. ‘yes, we need that.’ What the movement is aiming to do is help that sigh gain momentum with each of us creating Peace inside, increasing our good health and thus creating Peace in the world. Do your part today. Even for five minutes, go inside, and breathe deeply (in to the count of 4, hold for the count of 4, out for the count of 4, hold to the count of 4, several times). Be conscious of Being Peace and begin to heal yourself inside while creating Peace on the outside for yourself and all. Be Peace. It's an Inside Job! Love and Trust Yourself. Musings of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #26 – LET’S BE HAPPY
I know I write a lot about Peace, and peace makes me happy but I haven’t written recently about happy. First, know it’s not only okay to be happy.. it’s important and healthy! So what is happiness? It’s as individual as you and I . There are no set formulas. For me it’s waking up in the morning and being grateful. Grateful that I am here, grateful for the people in my life, grateful for the Tree I visit often, grateful for where I live, grateful for the apartment I live in. I could go on and on but I’m guessing you get the idea. One of things I write about in the upcoming Let’s Be Peace book is the everyday miracles that I observe in my life. Yes, observe. They were/are always there but it’s only been in my current years that I’ve noticed them regularly and take the time to be grateful for them. Being happy is a choice I make each day. Somedays I am more successful than others but these days I make a concerted effort to stop and acknowledge all the things that make me happy that are already in my life. It’s a fun adventure and I am grateful to be on it. Just for a moment, stop and ask yourself if you are happy. And/or if there are things in your life that you can be happy about. Listen to yourself and see what comes up. Happiness can come one moment at a time. Consider taking the time to embrace these moments before moving on. Love to read your comments when you’d like to share. Love and Trust Yourself. Musings of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #25 – PEACE INSDE CAN TRANSFORM THE WORLD
In the upcoming book “Let’s Be Peace: 20 Unique Paths to Healing Yourself and Spreading Peace in the World” we share techniques and tools to assist you in achieving peace inside and transforming the world. Twenty healers, practitioners and creators describe unique ways to heal ourselves and in the process creating peace in the world, one person at a time. Each contributor with their own methods, their special modalities, all with the common goal of helping us heal ourselves and in the process be the architects for peace in the world. You already know I believe Peace is truly an inside job. When each of us takes responsibility for our own healing and our own evolution by going inside and accessing the knowledge and gifts we were born with, we’ll reap the rewards personally and globally. Look for the book it on Amazon and other on-line stores this fall and in the meantime check out these blogs at Love and Trust Yourself Musings from the Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #24 – LET THERE BE PEACE
A Famous Phrase for sure LET THERE BE PEACE But what does that mean? What does it mean to you? To me, it’s simply to be Peace inside To center myself and remember to be grateful for the life I have To embrace gratitude as a way of being And to live each day in remembrance of the joy of being alive Not a Pollyanna.. I have simply learned to appreciate each day as a gift The gift of Life And I Am grateful. What does Let There Be Peace Mean To You? Please comment Love and Trust Yourself Musing From the Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #23 – PEACE IS A DAILY PRACTICE
Peace is a Daily Practice I believe because if we want to sustain peace inside we need to take a moment each day to recognize and acknowledge peace. That is what I have found for me and ask you to consider for yourself. One day last week I awoke to some minor irritations with my bank having not correctly made a wire transfer and I had to deal with that. It took a meditation and deep breathing for me to release the irritation and move forward. Such a minor thing when you think of all the challenges that people are facing, but for me this was a reminder that I need to practice being peace each day. I made the mistake of reading my messages before doing the guided meditation that I was planning for that morning. Once I had done it I was relaxed and in full awareness that this would be resolved. I needed patience and my peace practice to let it unfold as I took the steps to resolve it. And, of course it was resolved with some effort but mostly ease. I’m sharing this because it’s a reminder of how easy it is to fall out of peaceful practices and to share that it can be fairly easy to be mindful and return to a peaceful state. There are no rights or wrongs. Just methods to restore the peace that sometimes hides inside of me. Update: The Let’s Be Peace book is progressing nicely, more about that in weeks to come! Grateful for each of you. Comments, questions, your musings welcome. Love and Trust Yourself Musings from the Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #22 – A TECHNIQUE FOR PEACE INSIDE
Recently my dear friend Emmanuel Dagher wrote about a simple technique to center and calm oneself and in our vernacular, to be Peace. It appeared in his May Forecast newsletter. Emmanuel is one of the contributors in the Let’s Be Peace collaborative book due out later this year. I was so taken by his simple method that I asked his permission to share widely and he agreed. Here it is: Whenever you find that the mind is getting caught up in the details and stories of life that feel challenging, here’s a simple technique that can help: 1. Pause for a moment, and take three deep, full breaths. 2. Close your eyes. 3. Imagine yourself (your awareness) stepping out of your body, and see yourself sitting there with your eyes closed. 4. Just observe yourself for 1 – 3 minutes. 5. Bring your awareness back into your body. Start by focusing on the bottoms of your feet, and then move up the body to the palms of your hands, then your heart, then the top of your head. 6. Gently open your eyes. 7. Express gratitude to your Spirit self for reminding you to objectively “see” yourself. As you’ve read over the weeks of this blog and elsewhere there are many simple techniques to assist you in feeling peace inside and Being Peace. Comments always welcome. Love and Trust Yourself Musings from the Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #21 – PEACEFUL SIGNS
You might not be thinking that things are peaceful at this time, at least not on the outside so I challenge you to look for the peaceful signs all around you. Look in your home. Are there items that remind you of being peaceful? For me it’s many things. The pictures of loved ones past and present. The symbols like crystals and rocks and a carving of a little dog carved by one of my the father of one of my soul-sisters many years ago. Representatives of the animal kingdoms smiling at me. Lions, a Unicorn and a Green Dragon all brighten my day. Look at nature. For me I have crows and pigeons just outside my window. Trees and Ocean and Sand all greet me when I walk to them. Friends and Family. Do any of them represent a peaceful world to you? I Am blessed with many people who are exuding peace inside and are bringing peace to the world in their own special ways. Sometimes we just have to look deeper into what they are saying or doing and sometimes we can assist them in their path to being peace. As I search for peace inside of me it gets easier to find peace outside also. So I encourage you to celebrate the peace you find inside and seek signs of peace everywhere. They are there. As always, comments are welcome. Love and Trust yourself. Musings from a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #20 – JOY
Finding Joy in all things Finding Joy in everything we do Finding Joy in everything we feel Finding Joy inside and out of ourselves Being Joy Living a Joy filled life Sounds a bit ‘heady’ I know but as I mature I realize that Joy is a state of mind. I find Joy in visiting a special Tree and being near the Ocean. I find Joy in my cozy apartment surrounded by the objects and pictures of those I love! Learning to find Joy in all the little things that surround us is a life long journey and one that I Am grateful for. Enjoy your journey. If you’d like to explore your thoughts and feelings about Joy.. please comment here. Love and Trust Yourself Musing of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #19 – ATTITUDE OF GRATITUDE
My life has simply gotten better since I’ve donned an Attitude of Gratitude I wake each morning and go to bed each night listing many of the people, places and things I am Grateful for. Usually I don’t even get out of bed in the morning until I muse about all I have to be grateful for. Much of my gratitude listings are about people. I am blessed with so many diverse individuals in my life, most still on this earth walk with me, but many who have crossed over and I use this time to thank them for being in my life (on whatever dimension) and envelop them in love and gratitude. It’s such a lovely way to start and end the day and I Am Grateful 😊 What does Attitude of Gratitude mean to you? Comment below or send me an email. I Am grateful for your input! Love and Trust Yourself. Musings of a Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #18 – TECHNOLOGY!
TECHNOLOGY & ATTITUDE Recently I spent a great deal of time switching from one email home to another in order to complete my work. So what does this have to do with Let’s Be Peace? Good question. I noticed that what might have really thrown me and made my mood less than peaceful not so long ago, that morning I was able to power through and deal with the challenges brought forth while remaining pretty peaceful and calm. Well, the issue is still there but I am not consumed by it and know it will be resolved in time. Four days have passed since I wrote this and with a great deal of effort and an Earth Angel named Navid at the email hosting company we work with, all is back in order. I have once more learned that the attitude has so much to do with how we handle things and how we feel. Being Peace assists in everything we do. I Am Grateful for the knowledge. How about you? Love and Trust Yourself. Musings from the Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #17 –LIFE IS GOOD
Life is Good Do you believe that? Do you wake up in the morning grateful for waking up and being grateful, however you are feeling. Are you grateful? I do my best to be grateful and the truth is for the past few years I am reminded that I have so much to be grateful for each and every day, including the miracle of sleeping well and waking up feeling good. Not wasting time to discover why it has taken me so long but grateful that I have learned gratitude and it has become one of the core beliefs of the Let’s Be Peace Movement. Feel free to contact us anytime you need some encouragement. Part of our mission is being here for You. I Am grateful for You! Peace Whisperer Musings Love and Trust Yourself. #LetsBePeace BLOG #16 – PEACE WHISPERER SHOUTS FROM THE INSIDE OUT
A dear friend and colleague said that Peace Whisperer is too gentle a phrase for what I am looking to accomplish. I have stopped and considered that and yet Peace Whisperer… reaching out and inspiring one person at a time seems to fit.. at least for now. Finding Peace and Being Peace is an inside job for each of us and through the upcoming book, podcast and speaking engagements, we’ll spread the word, the feeling, the sensibility and help those who are open to it find their way to Peace inside. I am open to challenges and suggestions. Please let me know your thoughts. Love and Trust Yourself. Musings from the Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace BLOG #15 – GIVE PEACE A CHANCE
Yes, that’s a famous line from John Lennon and indeed he and Yoko Ono were/are all about Peace. Perhaps he was called to spread peace early in his life. For me the calling became clear in my 7th decade on planet earth. Part of me might have always known that this is the reason I chose to incarnate on planet earth at this time, but the clarity came later. I certainly have never been a fan of conflict and early in my life I told my father I did not embrace organized religion because there are wars in the name of religion. It didn’t matter to me that our tradition didn’t’ condone or embrace war, but ultimately human beings of many religions have made that a part of their Earth Walk. I read recently that the ‘reason’ Jews were considered the ‘chosen’ people, something I never understood until I read this, was that Jews were chosen to bring peace to the planet. Big Aha for me. Here’s another interpretation from Britannica: “Simply put, being a chosen one means that you have been called to a higher purpose, a path of enlightenment and spiritual growth. “Pathway to Higher Calling” Additionally, you have a deep longing to connect with something greater than yourself and to make a positive impact in the world." If you are reading this, it is likely you have been chosen, called to Be Peace inside and to hold Peace for the Planet within you. Whether you follow an organized religion or simply believe in Peace, you have been drawn to the Let’s Be Peace Movement knowing that we can Be Peace one person at a time. Would love to hear your thoughts about this and other Peace related subjects. Love and Trust Yourself. Musings from the Peace Whisperer #LetsBePeace Peace Blog #14
What does Peace for All mean. It is quite literal. I Am Peace for Me, You are Peace for You and each of us can spread Peace by Being Peace one person at a time. How can I talk of Peace when so many on this planet are experiencing physical, emotional and territorial war. It is partially because of this that Peace inside is more important than ever. I believe as we maintain Peace for ourselves that will spread energetically globally. It’s an energetic solution and one that I believe each of us can Be. We were born with the ability to be Peace inside and it’s time to remember that and to be that and to embrace that and to know that Peace is what we are here to Be for ourselves and each other. Be Peace. Musings from the Peace Whisperer Love and Trust Yourself. #LetsBePeace PEACE WHISPERER
What is a Peace Whisperer? I’m learning to not define it. I have long been told that people simply enjoy my energy and have a couple of colleagues, now friends, who ask me to be on their production team to share my energy. I never quantified that and like to believe it’s also for my talents as a producer, however, there are times that I’ve joined as a PA to help out and to keep Peace on the set. It’s a talent I have been blessed with long before I came to embrace it. My mother always taught my sister and I to be good listeners. That may be part of it. I enjoy listening and hearing what people have to say, to get their perspective and to embrace our differences. Politics have somewhat gotten in the way of that for me this past decade but I am back to doing my best to embrace everyone’s point of view. I choose to not allow discord into my home. I don’t watch local or national television news or tv with any violence. Recently I tried watching two shows because I so admire the lead talent. One is Jody Foster and her True Detective series but after 3 episodes the violence was too prevalent and I no longer am letting it into my living space. Does any of this explain how or what a Peace Whisperer is? I don’t know that it does.. do let me know what you think. Comments are welcome Love and Trust Yourself #LetsBePeace AVOID FEELING LIKE A VICTIM
One of the tips I have related in these Let’s Be Peace blogs and, in several interviews, and podcasts to avoid feeling like a victim. When I searched victim definitions.. this is the one that I think most relates to our theme of Being Peace. “A victim is someone who has suffered as a result of someone else's actions or beliefs, or as a result of unpleasant circumstances” All of us at some point in our life have felt we have ‘suffered as a result of someone else’s actions or beliefs or aa a result of unpleasant circumstances.” ( I have purposely not used the definitions that relate to bodily harm or other physical traumas) The premise here, in the Let’s Be Peace movement, is that we only feel like a victim if we perceive of ourselves as one. It is in our power to quiet ourselves, go inside, release the event or circumstance and move on. This to a degree goes along with the Forgiveness path to Peace. When we Forgive ourselves and others we no longer ‘need’ to feel like a victim. We move on with our lives with that forgiveness resolving issues and we no longer delve into victimhood. There is no judgment here. Simply a tool to help you find your way to Peace inside. Love and Trust Yourself. #LetsBePeace We encourage you to comment on this or any blog, give your own tips for being Peace and/or start a dialogue on releasing feeling like a victim! While speaking with my dear friend and coach, the Angel Lady, Sue Storm, we discussed my purpose, which I’ve known for a while now is spreading Peace. Sue and I searched for a term to describe that concept to reach the maximum audience and we (likely with the help of angels) came up with PEACE WHISPERER.
The reality is I am a gentle conveyor of the Let’s Be Peace movement. I plan on being a spokesperson and leader and my goal is for each individual to BE Peace inside thusly, creating Peace in the world. You already know that I believe Peace begins when we create Peace inside - one person at time. We learn to generate Peace in ourselves and as we radiate Peace it will spread to others. Peace is truly an inside job! Here are some of the tips I’ve assembled to assist in creating Peace inside: *Go Inside and do what feels right for you. *Breathe deeply - here are two techniques: Breathe in 4, hold 4, breath out 4) Breathe in 4, hold 7 and breathe out to the count of 8) *Forgive yourself and others *Discover the different modalities that can aid you in improving your health and wellness. When you are healthy, you can be more peaceful, when you are peaceful you are more healthy. *Acknowledge that it’s not them and us.. We are all One and we can find the answers inside of ourselves. *Do your best to avoid internalizing the outside forces. *Avoid feeling like a victim. Our bodies are remarkable ‘machines’ that have the power to heal. They give us warnings in the form of pain or discomfort so we can look for and find what we need. Assemble team mates to help you decide what your body needs, and be the one to make the decision. Take the responsibility by listening to your body, your intuition, your angels and guides. Love and Trust Yourself The Peace Whisperer Comments welcome! #LetsBePeace |